How to Generate Leads for Recruitment Firms

You might think that recruitment marketing and lead generation are two different things, but in fact they’re very closely related, and both are essential to the success of any recruitment firm. If you know how to do them right, that can be extremely profitable! Here’s what you need to know:

1) Create a comprehensive lead-gen strategy

The first thing you'll need in order to begin attracting new clients is a well-conceived lead generation strategy. (Spoiler alert: The following checklist will help you do that.) We'll come back to it in a bit, but first...​ Take advantage of LinkedIn: LinkedIn is one of your best resources when it comes to drawing out potential prospects and turning them into paying customers. Make sure your profile is up-to-date (headline, summary, recommendations) and send everyone in your network an InMail. Make sure to add value before asking someone for business—don't just post generic recruitment ads, but ask about their experience and look at what they're doing professionally. This way you can create custom lead gen campaigns that speak directly to each prospect's needs and wants. Decide on call-to-action language: Now we get down to brass tacks. Once you've drawn interest from a prospect through messaging, decide how you want to talk to him or her next—what kinds of words and phrases would compel them most? Perhaps something like I'm reaching out because I've noticed some similarities between what we both do... or We haven't met yet, but I thought I'd give us both some time to think things over. By using we statements instead of direct selling terms (I want, you should), your communication becomes more personal than if you were cold calling or sending spiels via email.

2) Learn copywriting basics

Copywriting is an important part of any recruitment firm’s lead generation strategy. If you want your company to generate new leads, you need to know how to speak effectively about your services and persuade clients that you are their best choice. Make sure you learn some basic copywriting techniques before launching your campaign. There are many affordable courses available online. Check out Udemy or search Google for copywriting tutorials in your area of expertise.

3) Use job boards

Most hiring managers and HR staff scan job boards and social media sites (especially LinkedIn) daily. But don’t stop there; send your jobs directly to their inboxes. It takes some time and effort, but you can build out a list of relevant contacts that you can email with jobs as they become available. You may also want to consider reaching out to headhunters or other placement firms within your industry. If you have a strong network of connections already, you can probably name at least one person who might be interested in what you have going on.

4) Leverage email outreach

Email outreach is a tried-and-true method of lead generation and continues to outperform nearly every other digital channel. If you’re new to recruitment marketing, leveraging email outreach can help generate thousands of qualified leads and set your firm up with a solid foundation. To do so effectively, there are several tactics that should be central in your strategy. A crucial component of any effective recruitment marketing program is creating an active job board on one or more sites such as Indeed, Monster or Glassdoor. These job boards will serve as a key hub where candidates browse and begin their application process through your site. Candidates fill out their information and you receive their data directly through these job boards – no extra work required! Establishing an active presence on these sites takes time but helps with generating quality leads for recruitment firms throughout each month.

5) Build lists of actively hiring companies

If you’re trying to generate leads for a recruitment firm, a great way to get started is by compiling a list of actively hiring companies. The more actively they’re hiring, generally speaking, the more leeway you have when it comes to selling your services. After you’ve got your target company list together, send them emails introducing yourself and outlining why their business would benefit from working with you. Use public information on job boards to further support these claims. When it comes time to follow up on these leads—and if they are still actively hiring—take note of who in particular showed interest in what you had to say and reach out accordingly with tailored messages aimed at that individual.

6) Automate lead list building

It can be time-consuming and expensive, but hand-building a lead list from scratch is no longer a requirement. There are plenty of tools out there designed to help you automate and scale your recruitment marketing—from direct mail and email marketing automation platforms to social media management systems. These tools allow you to create funnels that deliver people in different stages of their recruitment process directly into your sales pipeline with little or no manual effort on your part. You can also use these platforms with existing lists, allowing you to grow them without having contact prospects yourself. Integrate technology: It’s simple: technology is at its best when it works together seamlessly, allowing us all to work smarter rather than harder.

7) Create high performing email outreach copy

In order to generate leads, you’ll need strong recruitment marketing copy. A great way to accomplish that is by writing a clear and concise email copy. Keep in mind that your prospects have probably been bombarded with emails from a variety of companies, so your message needs to be enticing enough that they’ll read past your headline. One tactic that works well is creating a hook, or an irresistible reason for them to open up your email and continue reading.

8) Use social media networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

Social media networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. are great tools for recruitment marketing because they provide both top of funnel and bottom of funnel content. On one hand, you can post job opportunities with pictures or text-based descriptions on social media platforms. This allows you to get a steady stream of applications from people who are actively seeking work at your company. On top of that, you can also use these same platforms to push a steady stream of content related to your industry or firm.

9) Participate in niche groups on LinkedIn

There are niche groups on LinkedIn devoted specifically to recruitment. Taking time out of your day to participate in these groups is an excellent way to generate leads. The biggest benefit of participating in these online communities is that you can get acquainted with fellow recruiters and build relationships that will serve you well when you’re ready to start marketing your services—some may even turn into clients.

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